Martin-Luther-University Halle Wittenberg, computer centre: Examples of use - HP/Exemplar X-class/32

Dr. Holger Blaar (computer science & mathematics)
Dr. Rudolph Friedemann (theoretical chemistry)
Sabine Gebauer (biochemistry & biotechnology)
Dr. Gerald Moebius (computer centre)
Dr. Wolfgang Seifert (physics)
Dr. Sven Tobisch (physical chemistry)
layout: Dr. Wossal (computer centre)

Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg

Classical poster (size: A0) and virtual poster:

English version: (ca. 1MB) (ca. 22MB)
German version: (ca. 1MB) (ca. 22MB)

Short abstract:

We introduce configuration, applications and technology/administration. A diagram shows the utilization of the machine dependent on the applications and institutes. The most active users from these instititutes describe independently from each other the most important use of the machine. They do that mostly with examples and graphics. The reached effects come into focus (e.g. which tasks are possible now and the time to get a solution in comparison to times without this maschine).

Last modified September 21, 1998 (
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